Tuesday, March 14, 2006


1. Please Steal This Novel Idea!

But I definitely want to read it if you eventually publish it!

I am not a writer, as will become obvious to you after trying to read even a few of my posts. But I do have a great idea for a book, which of course puts me on equal footing with just about everyone else on this planet. It is a novel, a work of fiction and utopian wishful thinking, in this case, and it goes something like this.

Not only are we invaded by Aliens, but they are 'good' Aliens to boot. They force us to obey our own laws, follow our own rules, and be guided by our many religious teachings. For example, say you drive your vehicle to a bar and get drunk. When you get back into your vehicle afterwards, it won't start. If it is cold out, it will start, but it won't go anywhere. Only when you sober up, and are back below the legal alcoholic limit again, will your vehicle start and run.

So you'll probably sit there all night, or walk home, or call AAA for help. Eventually, bars that manage to stay in business will quit serving earlier, and have big sober-up-rooms where you wait it out in the warm indoors till your vehicle will once again start.

This Alien take-over could happen everywhere in the world at once. Or maybe it should move from time zone to time zone, starting out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere where there are few people on even fewer islands. That way, as things start to happen and people start to react, as strange and bizarre story after story floods into police stations and newsrooms, the word can eventually precede each time zone and the media begin advising people everywhere that earth has been 'invaded'. In time, these events will see every theory from the second coming to the total terror of an attack from Mars.

And drunk driving is only the beginning. You won't even be able to log into a chatroom if you are not presenting your true self. You certainly can't change your gender or lie about your age anymore. And in more important matters the Aliens are here to stop you from doing most anything 'wrong'.

If you kill someone, you die equally slowly and painfully, or quickly and suddenly, as the case may be. If you kill more than one, the Aliens take out your own immediate family first, then your friends, in equal numbers. Pedophiles, burglars, and even school yard bullies simply start to itch or cough or sneeze or faint, or even just drop dead in rare cases, till they get the message that their behavior will not be tolerated ever again. Prison cell doors open so the few who were truly innocent and falsely imprisoned can just walk out free men or women.

Wars should become largely obsolete. Nuclear weapons certainly won't work, and can't be made to explode by any means. Starting with the take-over, those people who mistreat or abuse their children can no longer have any more children. This will have to happen gradually so there is not a sudden drop in the future population. Overall the world's population will eventually start to creep downward. Any ill-gotten money from bribes, extortion, robbery, or even not putting in a day's work for a day's pay can't be spent, because it isn't credited to your 'account'.

You will be prevented from doing anything 'wrong' one way or another by the Aliens. They are colorless, tasteless, and odorless, and their methods not detectable in any way. So, all of this will take some getting used to by the world's population. Suicide rates may indeed go up for awhile anyway. Others may say why should I have to do anything, since the world is so much safer now. But bad things will continue to happen that the Aliens can't or won't prevent, so government and services will need to continue to exist.

So, what would the storyline and chapters of this novel really be about? Probably it would be a combination of a majority who are trying to adjust to this strange new world, and a few rebels doing their best to beat the Alien system. After all, when your car won't start is it because it needs to be repaired, or is it YOU who need to be fixed? This idea needs to reach Steven King. He would do a wonderful job with it as a book! But then again, so might you! The book might be titled "A More Perfect World!"

[This post begun on Tuesday, 14 March 2006. 12:51 PM MST]

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